Wednesday 17 February 2016

This is how India can become a 5G Super-power

The Department of Telecom (DoT) can pat themselves on the back. India's telecom manufacturing is getting better. Domestic companies are churning out quality solutions at affordable rates. It's just a matter of time that these go on to become a global brand. However, that can only be possible with a li'l push from the government. As of now, Indian manufacturers form a minor portion of the overall telecom equipment market. That can change, and soon. Mr. Modi, if you're reading Sir... 1. The focus should not only be on manufacturing. We need quality R&D centres for local companies that can match any multinational company doing business in the country. Only then can we form an ecosystem that can produce advanced telecom products. 2. India is known for its IT and IT-enabled services worldwide. Our companies offer services to 95% Fortune 500 companies. However, we need to get out of service mode, and get into problem solving mode. Ask Vishal Sikka to steer his big boat into product orientation. Wipro and TCS will soon follow *Wink*. If we have a strong equipment manufacturing base and a software development base ready, it's only a matter of time that Indian IT becomes a formidable player in the 5G space. 3. India accounts for over 13% of the world's mobile telecom subscribers. It also accounts for over 6% of India's GDP. Long story short, its hell important, both for the country and the companies! They don't want to lose out on a lucrative market, and you want investment and employment. Why not work together? 4. Telecom sector is one of the most fiercely competitive sectors in India. The sector deserves some clarity on tax implications linked to big telecom payments. No one wants to caught up in tax disputes regarding spectrum payments. Read More »  

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