Friday 19 February 2016

Top 10 tech companies for remote workers

The number of telecommuting jobs has increased over the last year, according to FlexJobs, which cites a 36 percent increase in remote job postings on its site from 2014 to 2015. To compare, there was only a 26 percent increase from 2013 to 2014, according to the company.

Why the big jump? Technology has enabled workers to get work done outside of the traditional office setting, and its also allowed companies to open up hiring to other states or countries, because employees dont necessarily have to be local. In addition to telecommuting and remote jobs, plenty of companies also offer employees a flexible schedule, where they can work from home a day or two per week.

FlexJobs released its list of the top 100 companies offering remote work. Tech companies are well-represented on that list. Here are the top 10.

Amazon came in at 3rd overall on the list for best telecommuting options with full-time and part-time remote job offerings. Best-known for its ecommerce site, Amazon is headquartered in Seattle and employs over 91,300 people worldwide; all while it aims to be Earths most customer-centric company. Its grown from an online bookstore to a world-wide retail website and, as of 2015, it has surpassed Walmart to become the highest-valued retailer in America. Current openings for remote jobs at Amazon include positions for systems engineers, visual designers and cloud support associate.
Dell, headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, was established in 1984 by CEO and Chairman Michael Dell, who was just 19 years old at the time. Since then, its grown to become a well-known worldwide tech company that employs over 103,300 people around the globe. Dell is also the leading shipper of PC monitors and the third largest PC vendor after HP and Lenovo. As a company, Dell prides itself on offering a wide range of job opportunities including full-time, part-time as well as remote jobs, flex-time and compressed work-weeks. Recent flexible job openings at Dell have include positions for systems consultants, interoperability specialists and developers, just to name a few.

Third on the list of the Top 10 tech companies that offer remote work is IBM, which was founded in 1911 and employs over 400,000 people worldwide. IBM has a hand in nearly every facet of technology, including big data, business intelligence, cloud computing, analytics and security. IBM prides itself on not only offering flexible work solutions for employees, but also comprehensive benefits and competitive salaries. IBM has posted remote openings on FlexJobs that include positions for software engineers, developers and programmers.

Salesforce is best-known for its CRM software. Its long list of clients includes the likes of Pandora, Google and LinkedIn. With over 10,000 employees, Salesforce remains dedicated to assisting large businesses with technology projects, while still maintaining the feel of a small company. Its been on Fortunes 100 best companies to work for list for six years running, and has been dubbed the Worlds Most Innovative Company by Forbes. Flexible openings for Salesforce include listings for engineers, database administrators and technical architects.

Headquartered in Germany, SAP was founded in 1972 and employs over 65,000 people worldwide. SAP specializes in enterprise software and services and its U.S. office is located in Newton Square, Penn. SAP has a long list of awards for its company culture, including the Glassdoor Employees Choice Award for Best Place to Work and its also appeared on the Forbes Worlds Most Reputable Companies list. As far as its telecommuting options, listings for remote positions at SAP have included roles for data scientists, IT architects, UX and UI experts, developers and engineers, among others.

One of the oldest companies on this list, Xerox was founded in 1906. At the time when it sold photographic paper and photo equipment and was known as The Haloid Photographic Company. Since then, Xerox has grown to a multi-billion-dollar company that employs almost 150,000 employees worldwide. Youll find Xerox on the Fortune 500 list almost every year, and its won a long list of awards for keeping employees happy. Xerox has a number of telecommuting positions open for tech workers, including roles for front-end developers, web designers, system technicians and IT support, just to list a few.

Founded in 1977, Oracle now employs over 135,000 people and operates worldwide to develop database software and technology, as well as computer hardware and enterprise software. Oracles success in its early years is often attributed to its software interoperability between operating systems thanks to the use of the C programming language. As a company, Oracle has received recognition for what it offers employees and is even ranked as one of the worlds most ethical companies by Ethisphere. In the past, Oracle has hired for a number of remote tech jobs including roles for security architects, engineers and developers.
Red Hat

Since its founding in 1993, Red Hat has grown to 80 offices that operate worldwide in 30 countries. The company is best-known for its open-source Linux offerings, especially its Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Its one of the smaller companies on this list, with 8,300 employees worldwide, but its made a number of impressive lists, including Forbes Worlds Most Innovative Companies and Glassdoors Best Places to Work lists. As for its telecommuting options, past offerings have included roles for software engineers, UI developers, middleware architects and data analysts.

Most people recognize Adobe as the maker of the Adobe Flash player or the high-end photo editing and graphic design software suite. However, its also a great place to work. Its been on Fortunes list of 100 Best Companies to Work For and is ranked as one of the Most Powerful Public Companies in the World, according to Forbes. Recent telecommuting openings for Adobe have included positions for technical architects, technical consultants, security and compliance managers, computer scientists, UX designers and more.
Apple might top lists for its devices or software, its only 10th on the list of top tech companies with telecommuting jobs. But that doesnt mean Apples remote job offerings are scant. Youll find openings for a number of positions but most of them are in customer and technical support. However, Apple does state that it offers a flexible working environment, so even if you land an in-office job, you can expect some flexibility to your schedule.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

5 Must-Have Tips For Keeping IT Skills Current

Besides formal training, what are some things IT pros can do to keep up with new technologies? There is a plethora of possible answers and today we explore some of the top tips for keeping you IT skills current. With technology always changing and advancing, to stand still in the area of skills and knowledge is to lose ground and advantage. That's what makes it so important to keep your IT skills sharp, your knowledge fresh, and your eye on the technology horizon. In this post, we explore some ways to do these things that don't involve out-and-out training, be it in a classroom or online. These are all things that anyone can do with only modest investments of time and effort, and should become part of one's self-maintenance routine as an interested and dedicated IT professional. 5. Attend A Conference Or Seminar In Person Nothing beats stepping out of the daily grind for a day or two, even if only once a year, to spend some time in the company of talented IT professionals with experiences and expertise to share. Sure, you can look for a conference in Las Vegas, or some other destination city (San Francisco, Washington, DC, New York City, and Miami are all popular conference hosting cities, as is my hometown of Austin, TX), but you can also find other, less glamorous learning opportunities and conferences in your hometown, or the nearest major metro area in your vicinity. Take some time to dig into a subject matter, sit in on some technical sessions, soak up some information, and make some professional contacts. This is often a great way to learn about exciting new tools, technologies, platforms, and so forth, with some chances to see them in action (or demonstrated, anyway) and talk to folks who've used them at work. 4. Attend An Online Webinar Increasingly, online webinars are THE way to gain exposure to and information about new products, platforms, and services. I'm a regular presenter for the Spiceworks community online, so I know they host anywhere from half-a-dozen to a dozen online webinars monthly. In the last year, I've presented on unified communications, hyperconvergence, ruggedized hybrid PCs, Windows 10, and virtualized data warehouses. Topics and coverage are all over the place, at all levels of technical depth and sophistication. All you have to do is look around for topics of interest to you, and you'll find a treasure trove of webinars well worth attending. While most of them are free, you can also find for-a-fee offerings that will let you learn from leading lights in their fields. Tthe Online Training offerings from are particularly compelling, in my recent personal experience, and include Business Intelligence, Power Shell Programming, Windows Enterprise deployment, and lots of other topics in the Windows Enterprise vein. 3. Join A Local Users Group Or Online Community Whatever your technology platform or fancy might be, chances are pretty good you can find a user organization or an online community devoted to that subject. Thus, for example, in the Windows world, we find great user communities like the Windows Users Network (WUGnet) with local chapters all over the U.S. The VMware User Group community ( is the popular option for virtualization pros and PowerShell Community Groups ( can help you get in touch with other PowerShell pros in your area. Similar organizations come out of all kinds of IT specialties or focus areas, including Linux, database, information security, project management, IT governance, and on, and on. (Hint: search for " user group" or " user group " to find something in your neighborhood.) Online, options are even more amazing, where user forums and other forms of online community abound for nearly every conceivable IT specialty and platform. (You can use a similar search technique for this stuff, too.) When you find a user group or community, you'll also find them to be storehouses of useful, relevant information including tips on installation, troubleshooting, configuration, security, reading and training materials, certification, and lots, lots more. I blog on Enterprise Windows topics three times a week for TechTarget, and I have found the Windows Forums (,, and, in particular) to be the best general sources for news, information, fixes, and interesting trivia around. Things should work likewise for you, with whatever subjects and specialties you hold near and dear. 2. Read Whitepapers, Articles And Blogs There's always more fodder for thought and learning online in many forms of reading material. Whitepapers often dig into technical subjects in enough depth to help stimulate learning, if not promote it outright. Lots of online publications, including Tom's IT Pro, but also ZDnet, InfoWorld, ComputerWorld, and so on, provide topic-based whitepaper sign-up services, designed to bring interested readers together with vendors who've got related products, services and platforms to sell. Ironically, the websites Light Reading, Heavy Reading, and Dark Reading, all provide ready access to technical material—some of great depth and breadth—across a wide range of computing and IT subjects (Dark Reading focuses on security news and technologies, but the others cover much of the IT industry in some form or fashion). Blog posts can also provide quick, personal snapshots for subjects of interest, with pointers to more detailed and comprehensive information abounding. 1. Share What You Know It's often said that the best way to really learn something is to teach it to somebody else. Only by watching where others falter or have questions, then helping them along or providing (and properly framing answers), can you really get your mind around a subject. If you take the time and expend the energy to contribute to the body of knowledge, or to document various skills, you'll not only be helping others find their way into subjects of mutual interest, you'll also be improving your own skills and knowledge along the way—not to mention giving back to a community with which you presumably enjoy spending time and interacting. You can share what you know through blog posts, presentations at your local user group meeting or even within your own company's IT department. That's what got me started on what I do for a living today, which essentially focuses on finding topics of value, and then doing my best to absorb and deliver to others what that value might be. You can do it, too, on whatever scale or scope makes sense to you! I hope you find some of these tips useful. This is a topic I think will be well worth revisiting from time to time, so if you can think of some tips or techniques I failed to mention, please share them in the comments below. Read More 

7 Tech Trends in 2016 That Web Designers Need to U

Web design and development go hand in hand. While design is by no means the lesser component, it’s the underlying tech which always sets the pace for advancements. Therefore, it’s crucial for web designers to stay on top of the latest developments in order to remain a step ahead in their fields. While it’s impossible to predict the outcome of every trend, there are several that lead the pack and are likely to set the stage for the next generation of web development and, therefore, design. Knowing them is the key to staying on top. After countless hours of analysis (and a truckload of coffee), we have compiled a list of what may be the most relevant trends in the near future. While this list is by no means definitive (since we lack access to a properly working 8-ball), it’s as good a place to start as any. 1. Machine Learning Let’s kick things off with a blast. Machine learning is a huge topic that a book wouldn’t do justice to, let alone a single article. To put it in terms we can all understand (we’re a bit out of our league here as well), think about machine learning as automated data analysis and model building. Imagine a fledging (and benevolent!) Skynet right out of the cradle, making insights from the world using learning algorithms. This hypothetical Skynet won’t be starting Armageddon anytime soon though, since we’re still at a point where machine learning applications remain confined to single domains of knowledge. Take Google self-driving cars, for example – great self-learning drivers, but can they figure out how to make the perfect cup of coffee? Yeah, that’s what we thought, Google. Nice try. Companies nowadays must deal with enormous amounts of data on a daily basis (have you heard of ‘Big Data’?), which makes machine learning applications for analyzing this information incredibly attractive and applicable to all fields. When it comes to design, this information could be used to determine what customers would respond better to. Ad companies have been doing this for a long time and at this point, they probably know us better than we do ourselves, thanks to information collected from all over our web travels. In the near future, though, you and your buddies might be seeing many different designs when accessing the same pages simultaneously, thanks to a team of designers who worked hard to make something unique for all potential ‘targets’. 2. Wearable Devices Google Glass might not have captured the imagination of the public, but wearables are here to stay. This is a market which is expected to be worth $31.27 billion by 2020, and there are new devices coming out all the time. There’s Jawbones, Moov Nows, Fitbits, Apple watches, MyZones, Microsoft Bands, Pebbles, Misfits, Coconuts (alright, that last one is made up), and those are all just wrist devices. There’s also the exciting field of virtual reality wearables, such as the Occulus Rift, the Sony Playstation VR, the Samsung Gear VR, the Microsoft HoloLens and the Razer OSVR. Five more devices have probably begun development or launched their own Kickstarters during the time you’ve been reading this list. In other words, it’s pretty safe to assume that wearables aren’t just a fad. From a design standpoint, they present exciting new challenges: all-new interfaces to work with, plus maintaining styles across platforms, since most wearables connect to smartphones or computers for one reason or another. Smartwatches, for example, provide a unique design challenge due to their minimal form factor (and you thought designing for 480 x 272 resolutions was a challenge), and virtual reality devices require menus that must be easy to navigate either using eye-tracking or additional wearables such as gloves. I, for one, am very excited to see what new design trends wearable technology will enable in the coming years. 3. The Continuing Growth in Popularity of Video Back in the younger days of the internet, it made sense to include as few images as possible in order to keep loading times down, and simply convey everything through text. However, with a world average download speed of 5Mbps (which is, of course, dragged down by a few outliers) and averages ranging from 10 to 20Mbps in the developed world, designers no longer need to hold back so much when deciding how to make sites look attractive. No format has benefited more from fast internet speeds than video. Video backgrounds are now relatively widespread, as are introductory videos to services and products, as well as video tutorials. Designers have already adopted this trend with gusto by integrating videos into the overall design process, and the future is likely to make this trend more ubiquitous. 4. The Simplification of Mobile App Development Mobile platforms keep making gigantic strides in terms of sheer time of use (digital media usage is now 52% on mobile versus 42% on desktops) and market size (the global app market is expected to reach $77 in yearly revenue by 2017). When it comes to apps, Apple alone passed the 75 billion apps downloaded milestone back in 2014, and the combined total of all platforms is expected to reach a whopping 268 billion during 2017. Armed with this information, an enterprising developer can only reach one simple conclusion: “I’ve gotta get in on that action”. As we all know, however, not all apps are made equal. There’s been a rise during the past few years of tools which are meant to simplify the app development process, and while most of them wildly overstate what they can deliver, there are a few outliers. Regardless of the quality of the tools themselves, designers are expected to be able to work across all platforms and it might pay off to familiarize yourself with some of the more popular ones and increase your pool of potential customers. 5. The Rise of Collaboration Tools for Designers Ask your grandfather how he used to design websites as part of a team back in his day and you’re likely to get a harrowing tale involving mailing sketches and prototypes under 20 feet of snow, and waiting weeks to hear back from your project leader. Thankfully, that’s all in the past. In fact, nowadays working as a designer is pretty cool considering all the tools available just to make your life easier and your collaborative projects run without a hitch. There are Trello and Slack for starters, which (despite not being custom-made for designers) do make everyone’s life a lot easier thanks to being able to keep track of your progress using meters, sharing mock-ups, remaining in touch at all times and being able to categorize all of your shared assets. There’s also if you’re looking for a simple and painless way to share your projects privately, and Red Pen if you want to give your colleagues or clients a chance to give you feedback on your designs in real time while keeping track of past versions. Invision enables you to transform your designs into semi-working prototypes. Cage and Concept Inbox enable teams to share files, manage projects, approve work, manage version control, and provide annotations. Concept board provides online whiteboards, plus chat functions and enables teams to arrive at faster iterations. If there’s a task that needs to get done, chances are there’s an application available to help your team tackle it efficiently, and even provide additional tools you wouldn’t have thought necessary. In fact, with so many tools available to designers, keeping an efficient workflow across teams becomes a matter of finding the right balance of collaborative tools to use without ‘bloating’ the creative process. 6. The Proliferation of Touch Devices This is pretty straightforward. We’ve already covered how the mobile market shows no signs of slowing down in the near future, and touch devices are still predominantly mobile. However, touch screens are making some incursions into desktop devices, and a combination of these two factors is likely to make them even more ubiquitous than they are at the moment, at some point down the line. Designers are already accustomed to responsive design, but what new opportunities do larger form factors enable for touch screens from a design standpoint? We’re still a long way away from the sci-fi future of touch screens integrated into every electronic device (especially since they’re more expensive than their regular counterparts), as sci-fi has been promising us for decades, but then again, hardly anyone had a touchscreen smartphone a decade ago. 7. The Ever-Increasing Complexity of UI Animations When it comes to animations in UI design, you don’t want them to jump out at your users like tacky PowerPoint presentations. In fact, the consensus amongst designers nowadays seems to be that animations should be used sparingly to enhance the experience and provide cues as how to interact with an interface. Nowadays, there are endless collections of complex animations being shared between designers in sites such as, as well as new JavaScript libraries popping up every day. Designers need to be able to separate the needlessly complex from the actually useful and find the best ways to integrate these animations into their designs to maximize the user experience. Conclusion Designers don’t have it easy – especially web designers. Not only do you need to have great taste, but also learn to use a wide variety of tools, and on top of all that, stay on top of web development trends. Thankfully, web developers and designers stand side-by-side in the trenches, and the amount of resources available to keep your skills sharpened is second to none. After going over our list of trends, we recommend also checking out the additional resources we compiled for more in-depth information. Armed with this knowledge, no projects will catch you off-guard anytime soon.

This is how India can become a 5G Super-power

The Department of Telecom (DoT) can pat themselves on the back. India's telecom manufacturing is getting better. Domestic companies are churning out quality solutions at affordable rates. It's just a matter of time that these go on to become a global brand. However, that can only be possible with a li'l push from the government. As of now, Indian manufacturers form a minor portion of the overall telecom equipment market. That can change, and soon. Mr. Modi, if you're reading Sir... 1. The focus should not only be on manufacturing. We need quality R&D centres for local companies that can match any multinational company doing business in the country. Only then can we form an ecosystem that can produce advanced telecom products. 2. India is known for its IT and IT-enabled services worldwide. Our companies offer services to 95% Fortune 500 companies. However, we need to get out of service mode, and get into problem solving mode. Ask Vishal Sikka to steer his big boat into product orientation. Wipro and TCS will soon follow *Wink*. If we have a strong equipment manufacturing base and a software development base ready, it's only a matter of time that Indian IT becomes a formidable player in the 5G space. 3. India accounts for over 13% of the world's mobile telecom subscribers. It also accounts for over 6% of India's GDP. Long story short, its hell important, both for the country and the companies! They don't want to lose out on a lucrative market, and you want investment and employment. Why not work together? 4. Telecom sector is one of the most fiercely competitive sectors in India. The sector deserves some clarity on tax implications linked to big telecom payments. No one wants to caught up in tax disputes regarding spectrum payments. Read More »  

Friday 12 February 2016

This is what happened at Delhi Startup Weekend

7 startup ideas on social innovation and green technologies, put together over a period of two and half days, find rejection and favour from a strict jury Sourabh Gupta, From pitching ideas to strangers, picking teammates among them, getting mentored and presenting polished business plans -- participants of the Delhi Startup Weekend did it all. In the end, a hard-to-please jury picked three ideas from 17, hoping these would last beyond the weekend and probably be worth investor money. It was a tie for the top spot -- one idea (Shield Up) was to organise the unorganised private security service market, like the budget hotel aggregators. The other idea (Happy Turtle) banked on providing paid recreational and engagement services to lonely elderly people, in another effort to tap the lucrative 'assisted living' market. The runner up idea (DigImpact) relied on a product: creating low-cost customised biometric-cum-fingerprinting devices to digitise citizen profiles, much like Aadhaar. The event, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs and held at American Center in New Delhi from Feb 5-7, saw participation from more than 130 people -- from college students to seasoned professionals -- who worked with speed and passion to give shape to their startup ideas with market validation and developing minimum viable products on social innovation and green technologies. At the grand finale, when one team after another took to the stage for their five minutes of pitch and faced a few more minutes of hard jury grilling, one could see how ideas rose and fell. On the jury were Jonathan Kessler, director north India office, US Embassy; Brett Stevens, vice president, Jaarvis Accelerator, Parul Soni, managing partner, Thinkthrough Consulting, and Anurag Batra, chairman and editor-in-chief, Businessworld. The other ideas that generated jury interest included Kheytse that saw an opportunity in cutting out middlemen in the sale of farm produce and connecting bulk buyers directly to farmers, Greeno -- a marketplace for low-cost solar lights and other green products and We Found It -- a crowd-sourced platform for finding missing people and things. One idea (Aadhar) saw a business opportunity in ferrying patients in villages to medical labs in towns in free buses and providing them subsidised medical tests that would then be home-delivered. Another (Tiffin Bells) wanted to organise tiffin vendors online for ease of customers. Yatin K Thakur, founder and CEO at CoworkIn and a facilitator at Startup Weekend said that the shortlisted ideas were given mentoring by 17 entrepreneurs, investors, lawyers and policymakers. "It takes only 54 hours to make a change and we at Startup Weekend are doing that all across India," he said. The Startup Weekend partners were State Department of US, CoworkIn, Jaarvis Accelerator, AIM Smart City Accelerator and Human Circle. Read more

How high will IT salaries climb

Average technology salaries in the U.S. saw the biggest year-over-year leap ever, jumping 7.7 percent to $96,370 annually, according to the annual 2015-2016 salary survey by careers site Bonuses and contract rates also rose in 2015, and tech salaries in seven metro areas reached six-figures for the first time since the survey began more than a decade ago. The question is, how high can they go? The wage hikes paint a picture of an overall solid environment for technology professionals with 62 percent earning higher salaries in 2015 than they did in 2014, according to the survey, conducted from October 6, 2015 to November 25, 2015 with 16,301 full-time IT employees responding. Almost half of respondents reported a salary increase as a result of a promotion or raise at the same company, with 38 percent receiving a merit-based increase and 10 percent receiving an internal promotion. The second most common reason for a rise in salary was a result of changing employers (23 percent). "This speaks directly to the skills gap problem; competition for IT talent today is undeniable. Demand for skilled talent and low unemployment rates for tech professionals aren't making the hiring landscape any easier. CIOs are realizing that they have to offer competitive pay, and also offer benefits other than salary, but there's a lot of pressure -- no matter what they do, it's increasingly hard to find talent with the right skills," Bob Melk, president of Dice (and formerly the vice president and publisher of CIO). Pay to play While in the short-term, it seems pay increases are helping to retain IT talent and keep them satisfied, this approach can't succeed forever. The survey revealed that 53 percent of respondents are currently satisfied with their pay, compared to 52 percent in 2014. But the flip side of that coin is that tech professionals' confidence in new job prospects remained high, with 67 percent claiming that they could find a favorable new position. More than a third, 39 percent, intend to change employers in the upcoming year. "Our survey shows many tech pros seem to be satisfied with their salaries, but that still leaves a portion of tech pros who are less satisfied with their compensation. CIOs should be concerned that their valuable talent will continue to ask for more money or find new jobs -- the opportunities await," says Melk. More than money That means CIOs should look at other ways to keep their talent engaged and productive, or risk losing them to competitors. One of the major issues in the IT talent battle is that many of the most in-demand skills are new to the market, and thus, talent is scarce, Melk says. "What CIOs need to be thinking about is twofold. One, talent with skills like big data, security, cloud and the like are so hard to find because the skills are so new to the market. Two, these are emerging trends, so CIOs should consider how to do 'skills matching' and 'skills development' to take advantage of the talent they already have and help grow them from within to meet business needs," Melk says. Determining succession plans and emphasizing continued skills development is key, but it's something CIOs need to continue to practice to build up their internal IT teams. "If you have a great group of network administrators, for example, you can start to look at what additional skills those folks would need to become, say, network security professionals. Maybe you have a team of rock star software developers you could point in the direction of becoming data scientists," Melk says. In addition, he adds, grooming junior and entry-level talent for promotions to roles that fill the need for these skills can also help, especially when combined with pay increases. Bonuses are another salary tool IT companies are using to recognize and reward their talent, according to the survey. Bonus boom The average bonus in 2015 was $10,194, a 7-percent increase from 2014, according to the survey. In 2015, 37 percent of technology professionals received a bonus, unchanged from last year; but higher than in 2009 when 24 percent reported they earned the extra payout. More experienced tech professionals were more likely to receive a bonus compared to technology professionals who had less than two years of experience. However, newer tech pros still saw rises in their paychecks. Average salary increases were greatest among new technology workers with one to two years of experience, suggesting that there is wage pressure for entry-level technology jobs, and also that employers are willing to pay for fresh talent and pay to retain them. "What's promising is the tech industry recognizes the need to fill open seats as well as to reward tech talent for their hard work. How much higher can IT salaries go before it becomes unsustainable, or stops "working" to attract and retain? That is an impossible question to answer. CIOs have to keep looking for every possible way they can incentivize their talent," Melk says. Read More

Wipro buys US IT firm for Rs 3,000cr

BENGALURU: Wipro is buying US-based insurance technology platform HealthPlan Services for $460 million (over Rs 3,000 crore), its fourth acquisition in less than six months and its biggest since the $600-million buyout of US data centre provider Infocrossing in 2007. HealthPlan Services, founded in 1970 and headquartered in Tampa, Florida, is owned by Water Street Healthcare Partners, a private equity firm focused exclusively on the healthcare industry. Wipro will fully buy out Water Street. HealthPlan Services fills a critical gap for Wipro. Just last month, Wipro vice-chairman T K Kurien had told TOI that insurance had "been a drag from the time I took over (in February 2011) till now." He said the company had not found a good candidate to buy. HealthPlan Services offers technology platforms and business process as a service (BPaaS) solutions to healthcare insurance companies in the US. It calls itself the US' largest independent provider of sales, benefits administration, retention, reform and technology solutions to the insurance and managed care industries. It had $233 million in revenue in 2015, compared to $188 million in the year before. It employs over 2,000 associates. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed by the Obama administration has dramatically altered the health insurance landscape in the US. It established insurance exchanges (marketplaces) that Americans could use to obtain affordable coverage from competing private healthcare providers. "The partnership with HealthPlan Services positions Wipro to participate in the shift of the US health insurance industry towards a consumer-centric business model," said Jeffrey Heenan Jalil, head of the healthcare life sciences and services business of Wipro.
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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Jobs For Core IT, Engineering Profiles In IT Sector in 2016 in india

Talent demand in the sector saw an average rise of 1 per cent during Jul-Dec 2015, shows RecruiteX data Apeksha Kaushik, As IT giants like Cognizant and Infosys put forward muted to increased revenue forecasts, overall hiring in the Indian IT/telecom sector is expected to grow in the coming months. Through 2015, the IT/telecom industry witnessed a 1 per cent growth in talent demand- July 2015 being the best month in terms of hiring with a 10 per cent increase, shows TimesJobs RecruiteX data from Jul-Dec 2015. ....... Hiring activity was also positive (an increase of 1%) in the first month of 2016. To sustain the growth momentum, middle and senior level professionals will see increased demand in the coming months, say experts. As IoT, Digital India, Make in India initiatives pick up pace, demand will also increase for entry-level candidates. Demand grew for core IT and engineering profiles, especially at the middle and senior levels. Demand was also up for system analysts/tech architects and IT consultants during Jul-Dec 2015. Sales and marketing profiles also saw increased demand during the period. Specialisations in EDP (electronic data processing) and MIS (management information services or systems), sales and direct marketing were sought at senior level in Jul-Dec 2015. In sales, channel sales saw heightened demand. Business development was also one of the core functions at senior level. Bengaluru topped the charts with the highest job share and the maximum rise in demand. Demand also grew significantly in international locations in Jul-Dec 2015.
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10 Google Chrome Hacks to Boost Efficiency

                                               10 google chrome Hacks to boost Efficiency

BENGALURU: The internet drives the hottest stocks on the Wall Street, shapes technological innovations and has become an integral part of our culture. It has changed the way we live and has created new ways for people to communicate and share information of a social nature. Communication is the most important factor shaping human history and our existence would be meaningless without the ability to communicate effectively. In today’s world everything is connected and we spend lots of time on the internet. With so much of time spent on the internet we need to maximize the output and make time for the things that we love. There are a number of extensions that can help one save time and enrich the browsing experience. Given below is a list of 10 apps that will help you streamline your browsing experience and free up your time. 1. Grammarly: It’s an everyday experience for everyone when we suddenly become aware of a typographical error after sending an email. Grammarly works as a Grammar vigilante. It checks for spelling mistakes and eventually improves the quality of writing. It’s not just for Gmail but also works great on social media. 2. Simple Blocker: Simple Blocker is a great extension for anyone who gets easily distracted by the things going around him and has a penchant for Facebook or Twitter. This extension allows one to block access to certain domains for a certain period of time (say 9 a.m. to 5p.m.) and gives you the freedom to concentrate on your work. Primarily, it was designed for students, but essentially it proves useful for everyone. 3. One Tab: One Tab is a life saver for anyone who keeps a lot of tabs open at the same time. If it is overwhelming to have so many tabs open, then One Tab will take them and turn into a list, organized by date. It also frees up the computer memory. 4. Todoist: Todoist is one of the most popular tools among the online community. It works across mobiles, tablets and desktops and helps in making sure that all tasks are done. The chrome extension lets you manage these straight from the toolbar, and adds functions like being able to save different pages as individual tasks. It has also got Gmail integration, which means you can push emails directly in your to-do list. 5. Google Similar Pages: Google similar pages is the quickest and the easiest way to find the right website. The extension puts a little dropdown that helps you search similar pages without having to revert back to Google and search. This is quite useful when you are doing research or the site you jumped to wasn’t quite right. Just click on the extension icon and your browser will send a search query to Google to see which other pages match the one you’re viewing. 6. TimeStats: TimeStats is nothing but an extension that gives the statistics about how you spend time on the internet. Once you download it, it can give you a monthly or daily breakdown depending on your priority. It notifies you about the time you were the busiest and also the total time you have had spent on the net. 7. StayFocusd: This is one of the most popular extensions on Google Chrome. This is a brilliant extension for people who have a small attention span and are prone to distractions. It allows you to spend a determined amount of time to spend on websites like Facebook, Twitter or 9gag. You can configure your account to block entire sites and specific sub-domains or even specific in page content like videos and much more. 8. Chrome Remote Desktop: Chrome Remote Desktop gives you the opportunity to access other computers from your own and vice versa. It is also an easy way to share screen with someone else. If you have got the Chrome Remote Desktop extension installed, you can install the free iOS app and control your computer from your iPhone or iPad with ease. 9. Pocket: Pocket is an easy way to save an article on your mobile, tablet or computer and access it when you have the time. You can access this from any of your devices. Just don’t lose track of the interesting things you find by emailing links or letting tabs pile up in your browser. Just save them to your pocket. 10. Chrome to Mobile: Chrome to Mobile is an easy way to take home, whatever you’re working on at office, with you. The extension indues you to take live web pages with you and work on-the-go by replicating your desktop browser experience on the smartphones. Added benefit is, it works offline too.
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Google‘s Sundar Pichai becomes highest-paid CEO

highest pay ceo in the world

Google's Sundar Pichai is poised to become one of the highest-paid executives of a publicly traded company this year after parent Alphabet awarded him restricted stock worth about $199 million.
Pichai, who is Google's chief executive officer, received 273,328 Class C shares on February 3 that will vest in quarterly increments through 2019 if he remains on the job, according to a filing on Friday from the Mountain View, California-based company.
Pichai, the former deputy of Google co-founder Larry Page, was named to run the search engine unit following the reorganization into holding company Alphabet last year. The award is the biggest ever given to a Google executive officer whose equity grants have to be reported in filings, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It is Pichai's first award since taking over the company's highestgrossing unit.
Alphabet also awarded $42.8 million in restricted stock to Diane Greene, a co-founder and former CEO of software maker VMware, who's led Google's cloud business since November. Greene received equity worth $148 million last year after Google acquired tech company Bebop Technologies, which she founded.
Chief financial officer Ruth Porat, who joined from Morgan Stanley last year, received equity worth $38.3 million that will vest under the same conditions as Pichai's award, a filing shows. An Alphabet spokesman didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. BLOOMBERG
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